Julien Fournier

Artistic Director

Julien FOURNIER is an acrobat, actor and director.
He lives and works in Brussels since 2009.
He divides his time between writing circus-related plays and black and white charcoal drawings.
Trained in Russian swings and acrobatic lifts that he practiced for many years, his work today addresses the notions of the decline of performance, the abandonment or search for new skills, the aesthetic break and the question of meaning and expressiveness in a circus writing.
Fascinated by the (r)evolutions that have already taken place in other art forms, particularly the plastic arts, he finds in his own acrobatic decline the material for exploring other forms of narrative. In 2012, he creates L'Habeas Corpus Cie in which he successively creates REVERSO, Avant l'Homme, il n'y a que des surfaces and BURNING (I did not die and yet no life remained). Tackling sometimes burning subjects of current affairs, he multiplies collaborations and crossbreeding between documentaries, fictions, short formats, audiovisuals...


Music and sound design

Composer, arranger and psychologist, Raphaël has always been interested in sound, the sounds of everyday life, instruments and also the sound of the voice.
As a musician, he has been working with musical groups (rock, pop and soul bands) since 2002 and composing for short films or video and radio documentaries. As a psychotherapist, he sets up musical workshops in health care facilities and prisons.

In 2012, he participates in the creation of L'Habeas Corpus Cie.
Within the company, he is experimenting with sound writing for live performance by integrating the different facets of his approach to sound: music, field recording and work around the voice, notably through the creations of REVERSO and BURNING (I did not die and yet no life remained)

Fred Miclet

Sound engineer

Fred Miclet is passionate about music of all kinds and audio technologies.
He studied acousmatic music at the Lyon Conservatory and has taken courses and residencies at STEIM and IRCAM, played bass, guitar and sampler in various rock bands and underground artistic collectives.
He creates music for live performances, soundtracks for audiovisual projects and interactive sound installations.
Finally, he regularly works as a sound manager, sound technician and gives courses on sound techniques.

Emma Laroche

Technical management, general management, lighting and video

A trained lighting director, Emma works at Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Les Brigittines, Kunstenfestivaldesarts and with choreographer Maria Clara Villa Lobos, when she is not on the road with Habeas Corpus Cie.

Brice Agnès

Sound engineer

Brice is a sound artist and stage manager in the performing arts. He creates sound for theatre, performance and radio.
Co-founder of radio laliniere - a free Brussels radio created in 2018 where sound creations, documentaries, live music and radio wanderings are intertwined - he is interested in radio activism and the reappropriation of airwaves. Also a musician, he composes and plays in several musical projects in groups such as Kayas (techno punk), Elvis Preslip (punk rock), Carnaval Carnaval (synthpop) and solo.